Dual Pricing in Zimbabwe
On the 17th of June 2020, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe issued a statement wherein part of it stated as follows:
“In order to enhance the pricing system in the economy, businesses will be required to display goods and services and charge for all domestic transactions in both local and foreign currency at the ruling market rate.”
It was not long after that a Statutory Instrument to that effect was gazetted, being the Exchange Control (Exclusive Use of Zimbabwe Dollar for Domestic Transactions) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (No. 3) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).
These regulations provide as follows:
“7(1) Any person who provides goods or services in Zimbabwe shall display, quote or offer the price for such goods or services in both Zimbabwe dollar and foreign currency at the ruling exchange rate.”
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It would appear that previously, businesses had not paid much heed to the Reserve Bank directive to implement dual pricing given that it was based on nothing more than moral suasion. However, now that such paradormirmejor.org moral suasion has become law with consequences following non-compliance, compliance numbers will most likely be higher.
However, there is a danger that prices in foreign currency will become inflated by business entities given the variance between the auction rate (the formal system) and the prevailing rate in terms of the formal market.